About Dr. Rana

Education & Qualifications

MBBS:  Army Med­ical Col­lege, Rawalpin­di, 1981

Grad­ing in Psy­chi­a­try:  Armed Forces Post­grad­u­ate Med­ical Col­lege, 1985

MCPS (Psy­chi­a­try):  Mem­ber, Col­lege of Physi­cians and Sur­geons, Pak­istan, 1985

FCPS (Psy­chi­a­try):  Fel­low, Col­lege of Physi­cians and Sur­geons, Pak­istan, 1989

MRC Psych:  Mem­ber, Roy­al Col­lege of Psy­chi­a­trists, Lon­don, UK, 2003

DCPS (HPE):  Diplo­ma in HPE, Col­lege of Physi­cians & Sur­geons, Pak­istan, 2004–5

FRC Psych:  Fel­low, Roy­al Col­lege of Psy­chi­a­trists, Lon­don, UK, 2009

MCPS (HPE):  Mem­ber­ship in HPE, Col­lege of Physi­cians and Sur­geons, Pak­istan, 2011

Diplo­ma in CBT: Uni­ver­si­ty of Oxford, UK, 2011

Honors & Awards

1st S.A Mian Gold Medal in Surgery, 1981
Hon­ours and Uni­ver­si­ty Dis­tinc­tions in Phys­i­ol­o­gy, Foren­sic Med­i­cine, Spe­cial Pathol­o­gy & Med­i­cine, 1981
Cer­tifi­cate of Mer­it on Orig­i­nal Research, Avi­cen­na Research Com­pe­ti­tion of Pak­istan Psy­chi­atric Soci­ety, at the 7th Inter­na­tion­al Psy­chi­atric Con­fer­ence, 1988
Twice won the Avi­cen­na Gold Medal of Pak­istan Psy­chi­atric Soci­ety for best orig­i­nal research, 1990 and 2003.
Let­ter of Com­men­da­tion by the Chief of the Naval Staff, 1995.
Rec­om­mend­ed for Tamgha e Imti­az in 1999, Sitara e Imti­az in 2009.
Award­ed Chief of Army Staff Com­men­da­tion Award, 14th August 2007.
Award­ed ‘Best Uni­ver­si­ty Teacher of Pak­istan in the field of Med­i­cine’ for the year 2007–2008 by High­er  Edu­ca­tion Com­mis­sion, Gov­ern­ment of Pakistan.
Award­ed the sta­tus of Hon­orary Pro­fes­sor by The Robert Gor­don Uni­ver­si­ty, Unit­ed King­dom, 2008
Award­ed the Hon­orary Mem­ber­ship in 2003, and Fel­low­ship of the Roy­al Col­lege of Psy­chi­a­trists, Unit­ed King­dom, 2009.
Award­ed Sitara e Imti­az by Pres­i­dent of Pak­istan for Mer­i­to­ri­ous Ser­vices in the Field of Health, 2013

Published Books

Rana, M.H., Niaz-Anwar. U. (1998)Violence: A Pak­istani Perspective.
Farooqui, M.S., Samad, S., Rana, M.H. (1999) Repro­duc­tive Health: A Man­u­al for Fam­i­ly Prac­tice and Pri­ma­ry Health Care. Col­lege of Physi­cians & Sur­geons Pak­istan Press, Karachi.
Rana, M.H., Chaudhry, H. R, Say­eed, N. (2003). Anx­i­ety and Depres­sion: A Prac­ti­cal Man­u­al for Physicians.
Rana, M. H., Ali, S., Mustafa, M. (2007) A Hand­book of Behav­iour­al Sci­ences for Med­ical and Den­tal Stu­dent. The Army Press Ltd. Islam­abad, Pakistan..
Rana,M.H., Min­has, F.A, Ali.S., Bilal. S., Man­soor. S. (2008) Psy­chotrau­ma in the Chang­ing World. PACTT Pub­li­ca­tion. Pakistan
Rana, M. H., Mustafa, M. (2010) A Hand­book of Behav­iour­al Sci­ences for Med­ical and Den­tal Stu­dent Sec­ond Edi­tion, Uni­ver­si­ty of Health Sci­ences, Lahore, Pakistan..
Rana, M.H.,  Sajid Rahim: (2010) Psy­chotrau­ma, PACTT Publication.
Rana, MH, Sohail Ali, Sajid Rahim, David Alexan­der, Susan Klein: (2010): Psy­chotrau­ma Resource Book, PACTT Pub­li­ca­tion. Pakistan.
Basit„ M.A, Rana, M.H. (2011) Alzheiner’s Dis­ease: Caregiver’s Guide Book. Alzhein­ers Pakistan.

Published Research Papers

Haq, M.F.; Rana, M.H. (1990) A review of diag­nos­tic cri­te­ria of schiz­o­phre­nia. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 41 (2), 1–13.

Sir­aj, Q.H.; Boman­ji, J.; Akhtar M.A.; Rana, M.H.; Sadiq, M.; Ahmed, M. (1990) Quan­tifi­ca­tion of Phar­ma­co­log­i­cal­ly Induced Penile Erec­tion. Nuclear Med­i­cine Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Jun 11, 445–58.

Rana, M.H.; Kerr, E.E.; StClair, D. (1993) Spo­radic Pick’s Dis­ease in a 28-year old woman. British Jour­nal of Psy­chi­a­try, 162, 259–262.

Rana, M.H. (1994). Stress in Naval Cli­mate. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 44 (2), 61–7.

Rana, M.H. (1997). Edi­to­r­i­al: Adop­tion of the tenth revi­sion of ICD. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 47 (1), 1–2.

Rana, M.H. (2000). Somato­form dis­or­der: Car­diac neu­ro­sis. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal ‚50 (1), 48–50.

Rana, M.H.  (2001). Obses­sive Com­pul­sive Dis­or­der: A study of Social Fac­tors, Jour­nal of Col­lege of Physi­cians & Sur­geons Pak­istan, 11 (4), 242–245.

Rana, M. H. (2001). Beyond the bat­tle­field. Pak­istan Navy War Col­lege Review, 2001, 15–27.

Rana, M.H. (2003). The future unfolds.  Jour­nal of Col­lege of Physicians& Sur­geons Pak­istan, 12 (11), 715–716.
Rana, M.H. (2002). The Miss­ing Link in Health Care. Pak­istan Army Jour­nal, Win­ter Issue.

Karim, S; Khalid; Rana, MH. (2004). Pak­istan Men­tal Health Pro­file. Inter­na­tion­al Review of Psy­chi­a­try, 16(1–2), 83–92.

Bashir, K; Rana, M.H.; (2006). The Pat­tern of Psy­chi­atric Mor­bid­i­ty in Atten­dees of a Der­ma­tol­ogy Clin­ic. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal. 56(3): 250–256.

Rana, M.H.; Ali, S; (2006). Men­tal Health Care: An Inte­gral Part of Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 56(4): 327–332.

Dil­shad, M; Rana, M.H.; Anwar, M; Rehim, S; Mubarik, A; (2006). Effects of Post­trau­mat­ic Stress on Cor­ti­sol lev­els in the Kash­mir-Bal­akot Earth­quake Vic­tims. Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Mol­e­c­u­lar Diag­nos­tics and Lab­o­ra­to­ry Med­i­cine, Clin­i­cal Chem­istry, Vol. 52, No. 6, Sup­ple­ment 2006.

Rana, M.H.; Ali, S; Yusu­fi, B; Shah, F.S.; (2006). Nation­al Plan of Action for Men­tal Health and Psy­choso­cial Relief of Earth­quake Sur­vivors – Emer­gency Phase. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal. 56(4): 402–411.

Rana, M.H.; Ali, S; Yusu­fi, B; (2006). Men­tal Health and Psy­choso­cial Relief of Earth­quake Sur­vivors – Activ­i­ties and Inter­ven­tions. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal. 56(4): 441–449.

Bilal, S; Ali, S; Rana, M.H.; (2006). Sec­ondary Trauma­ti­za­tion in Care­givers – Unique Case of Com­pas­sion Fatigue in a Relief Work­er. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal. 56(4): 460–463.

Rahim, S; Ali, S; Rana, M.H.; (2006). Great Good from Great Suf­fer­ing – A Case of Post Trau­mat­ic Growth.  Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 56(4): 464–466.

Malik, W; Ali, S; Rana, M.H.; (2006). Man­age­ment of Post Trau­mat­ic Symp­toms with Pre-Trau­mat­ic Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 56(4): 467–472.

Bilal,M.S; Rana, M.H.; Rahim, S.; Ali, S.; (2007). Psy­cho­log­i­cal Trau­ma in a Relief Work­er. Pre­hos­pi­tal and Dis­as­ter Med­i­cine, Oct-Sep Issue: 458–461.

Mub­bashar, M.H.; Rana, M.H. (2007). Book Review on The Day the Moun­tains Moved.  Jour­nal of Pak­istan Psy­chi­atric Soci­ety, JPPS, Vol­ume 3, Num­ber 2, July-December.

Rana, M.H.; et al (2008). The Psy­cho­log­i­cal and Psy­choso­cial Impact of the Pak­istan-Kash­mir Earth­quake after Eight Months: A Pre­lim­i­nary Eval­u­a­tion by PACTT. Inter­na­tion­al Psy­chi­a­try: April 2008.

Rana, M.H.; Ali, S.; Rahim, S. (2008). Psy­cho­log­i­cal Trau­ma amongst Injured Earth­quake Sur­vivors of Bagh, AJ &K, Pak­istan. Pak­istan Jour­nal of Med­ical Research, 47: 66–70.

Rana, M.H.; Farooq, S; Ali, S; Afri­di, M.I. (2008). An out­line of STRUCTURED TRAINING PROGRAMME (STP) for FCPS in psy­chi­a­try (Inter­me­di­ate Mod­ule).  Jour­nal of Pak­istan Psy­chi­atric Soci­ety, JPPS, Vol­ume 5 Num­ber 2, July-December.

Ahmed TA; Rana MH; Tipu HN; Ahmed D Bashir MM.  (2008). Sup­pres­sion of humoral immune response due to psy­cho­log­i­cal stress in sur­vivors of large scale nat­ur­al dis­as­ter. Pak J Pathol 2008; 19 (3): 78–81.

Mustafa, Man­soor; Rana, M.H.; (2009) Men­tal Ill­ness and Vio­lence: Myth and Real­i­ty. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 59(3): 349–56.

Has­san, K; Rana, M.H; (2009). Psy­chotrau­ma in Gen­er­al Prac­tice: Psy­chi­a­try in Gen­er­al Prac­tice (July-Decc 2009): 8–9.

D.P. Far­rell; P.S. Keenan; S.M. Tareen; L. Keenan, & M.H. Rana (UK & Pak­istan) HYPERLINK “https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/pages/emdr-as-an-effective-intervention-in-psychological-trauma.php” EMDR as an Effec­tive Inter­ven­tion in Psy­cho­log­i­cal Trau­ma
The EMDR Prac­ti­tion­er. Retrieved Jan­u­ary 05, 2010, from  HYPERLINK “https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/articles/greenwald_2009.html” https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/articles/greenwald_2009.html

M.S. Bilal, M.H. Rana.   HYPERLINK “https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/pages/emdr-in-battle-hardy-soldiers-with-post-traumatic-stress.php” EMDR in Bat­tle Hardy Sol­diers with Post Trau­mat­ic Stress. The EMDR Prac­ti­tion­er. Retrieved Jan­u­ary 05, 2010, from  HYPERLINK “https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/articles/greenwald_2009.html” https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/articles/greenwald_2009.html

Ali, M.A; Rana,M.H.  HYPERLINK “https://www.emdr-practitioner.net/pages/emdr-in-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd.php” EMDR in Post Trau­mat­ic Stress Dis­or­der (PTSD): Patients of 2005 Earth­quake in Pak­istan The EMDR Prac­ti­tion­er. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from https://www.emdr- practitioner.net/articles/greenwald__2009.html

Rana, M.H; Alexan­der, David A; Jan, Asad Ullah, (2010). Ter­ror­ism: The Pak­istan Per­spec­tive. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 60(4): 629–35.

Has­san, K; Rana, M.H; Ali, Sohail.(2010). Bio­log­i­cal Mark­ers of Psy­cho­log­i­cal Trau­ma: A Review. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 60(2): 289–99.

D.P. Far­rell; P.S. Keenan; M. Wajid Ali; S. Bilal; S.M. Tareen; L. Keenan, & M.H. Rana (UK & Pak­istan) Train­ing Pak­istani Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als in the After­math of the Earth­quake of 2005 in North­ern Pak­istan .Coun­sel­ing Psy­chol­o­gy Quar­ter­ly.  Avail­able online: 1 Jan­u­ary 2011. Retrieved Jan­u­ary 05, 2010, from  HYPERLINK “https://www.tandf online.com/loi/ccpq 2011.html” https://www.tandf online.com/loi/ccpq 2011.html

Rana, M.H.; (2012) Com­pe­ten­cy Based Med­ical Edu­ca­tion: An Allo­sta­t­ic Approach. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 62 (2): 148–51.

Akhtar, N; Rana, M.H.; (2012) Adverse Meta­bol­ic Effects of Con­ven­tion­al and Atyp­i­cal Antipsy­chotocs: A Com­par­a­tive Study. Pak­istan Armed Forces Med­ical Jour­nal, 62 (3): 427–30.

Shukr, I; Rana, RZ; Rana, M.H. (2013). Learn­ing Styles of Post­grad­u­ate and Under­grad­u­ate Med­ical Stu­dents..  Jour­nal of Col­lege of Physicians& Sur­geons Pak­istan, 23 (1), 30.